Wednesday, June 18, 2008

On the Driver of the Prius

On the matter of the Driver of the Prius, and what You can do to stop him.

You know the one. The guy (or gal) whose purchase of a Prius has led him to such heights of self-satisfaction that he (or she) has come to the Zen-like realization that, as the Driver of the Prius, he can do no wrong.

So he zigs without signaling. She zags like a woman possessed. Both of them race along in the fast lane, mere inches from one another. He tailgates SUVs. She cuts off land yachts.

And they do these things because they know that they are getting at least 10 miles more per gallon than you are.

What can You do to stop them?

1. Whenever the Driver of the Prius approaches in your rearview mirror, slow down to the Prius's stated most fuel-efficient speed (66 mph, by the way). The Driver of the Prius, who care not one whit for actual fuel economy, will turn bright red, and make an aggressive move around you, passing on your right and giving you a simultaneously self-satisfied and annoyed look. You have won the day.


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